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Address: Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Countries served: United States
Geographic scope: Local

Phone: 901.300.9302
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: RestoreCorpsTN
Twitter: @RestoreCorps

Type: Anti-trafficking
Status: Active
Faith-based: Yes
Adult focused (NSFW): No
Sex work positive: No
Female led: No
Sex worker led: No

About Restore Corps



Restore Corps is a Christian agency that exists as the primary resource point in West Tennessee for eradication of human trafficking by holistically empowering survivors, equipping communities to identify and abolish slavery, and seeking justice for the oppressed.


We are an interdenominational, Gospel-centered team. We believe God created all people in his image and to know him, love him and glorify him. We believe violence committed against the poor destroys hope, and true restoration involves men and women knowing the fullness and significance of their humanity. Following in the footsteps of abolitionists before us, we strive to glorify God by working alongside the Memphis community on behalf of the exploited and poor.

Restore Corps provides assistance to victims of injustice regardless of their religious beliefs, ethnicity, or gender, and we are grateful for the support of all people of good will.

Public facts about Restore Corps


Has not filed any 990 Forms with the IRS as is required by law.

People involved with Restore Corps

Rachel Sumner

Executive Director

Whitney Maxey-Trotter

Case Manager and Wellness Coordinator Volunteer

Keela Manning Johnson

Administrative Assistant Volunteer

CARE _ Community Aftercare Restoration Endeavor

Lives Worth Saving

Memphis Police Department

General Weirich’s office

Calvary Episcopal

Sex work focus for Restore Corps

Street Escort

Sex worker demographics focus for Restore Corps

Female Trafficked

No verifiable history of serving clients

Services offered by Restore Corps

No verifiable services provided to clients, victims or survivors of sex trafficking

Offers Public Speakers for a fee to speak to groups, churches and organizations about sex trafficking

Relief – crisis response typically providing housing, food, and clothing. This is immediate, temporary care; sometimes provided as a first responder to a victim that will, now removed from her abuser, receive transportation back to her home or family.
Rehabilitation – The case management aspects of aftercare include assisting a survivor’s access to primary care and transformative care. In June 2011, we launched CARE – Community Aftercare Restoration Endeavor. This CARE network gives us the ability to partner with other agencies that can provide critical needs – individual and family counseling, healthcare, and more.
Development – the CARE network is also relevant in this phase as we work with the survivor to assess his or her needs for future development to an elevated standard of living since before exploitation. Recognizing a person is exploited because they are vulnerable streamlines us to recognize that without development in the form of skills classes, computer classes, GED assistance, ESL assistance, as well as a myriad of other potential needs, the survivor is still at risk for future exploitation.
Future Vision – We are currently developing a training curriculum to specialize strategic foster parents for the placement of domestic minor sex trafficking victims. Tennessee does not have any solidified rehabilitation home or defined, specialized protocol for this population, and we believe this vision is a cost effective and effective method to replicate across the state.

Reviews, ratings and feedback for Restore Corps

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