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Website: – (info)
Address: 466 Wild Avenue, Staten Island, New York, 10314, United States
Countries served: United States
Geographic scope: Local
Geographic scope (detail):
New York
Type: Commercial
Parent organization: BJM/Manhattan Stakes and Entertainment (BJM)
Status: Defunct
Faith-based: No
Adult focused (NSFW): Yes
Sex work positive: Yes
Female led: No
Sex worker led: No
About World-Class Models
Escort service run by Michael RizziEscort service run by Michael Rizzi
Raided and shut down by Homeland Security on 5/24/2016
People involved with World-Class Models
Michael Rizzi, retired NYPD cop, age 44 of Brooklyn, NY
Sex work focus for World-Class Models
Sex worker demographics focus for World-Class Models
Services offered by World-Class Models
Reviews, ratings and feedback for World-Class Models
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