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Website: – (info)
Address: New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Countries served: United States
Geographic scope: Regional
Phone: (504) 407-0943
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: EdenHouseNOLA
Twitter: @edenhousenola
EIN (Guidestar profile): 45-3303791
Type: Religious
Status: Active
Faith-based: Yes
Sex work positive: No
Sex work focus for Eden House
Sex worker demographics focus for Eden House
Eden House serves adult female survivors of human trafficking and prostitution. Since opening our doors, Eden House has served women ranging in age from their early twenties into their fifties. The two-year residential program is based on the Magdalene House model, a similar and successful program in its 17th year in Nashville, TN. Our residents have often endured significant trauma and arrive at Eden House from prison, rehabilitation facilities, shelters, referrals from law-enforcement agencies, or directly from the streets. The majority of these women were sexually abused between the ages of 7-11, started using alcohol or drugs by 13, entered prostitution as teenagers, and have been arrested nearly a hundred times each. Most residents are recovering from emotional trauma, drug addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, and other symptoms of poverty and life on the streets. The need for a safe haven is especially great in the New Orleans region, and Eden House serves both a significant population of sexually exploited women in the region and the New Orleans community as a whole by increasing the level of safety.
Services offered by Eden House
residential program
Reviews, ratings and feedback for Eden House
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