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CEASE (Denver)

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Address: Denver, Colorado, United States
Countries served: United States
Geographic scope: Local
Geographic scope (detail):

Denver, Colorado


Parent organization: CEASE Network – Demand Reduction Efforts
Status: Active
Faith-based: Yes
Adult focused (NSFW): Yes
Sex work positive: No
Female led: Yes
Sex worker led: Retired

About CEASE (Denver)

Autumn Burris is new to Colorado and supposedly has this organization she is calling a non-profit though, it is not registered with the Secretary of State, the IRS or Guidestar as a non-profit.

Public facts about CEASE (Denver)

None to report

People involved with CEASE (Denver)

Autumn Burris

Sex work focus for CEASE (Denver)


Sex worker demographics focus for CEASE (Denver)


This is an abolition organization led by a former sex worker who is against commercial sex work and the decriminalization of prostitution.

Services offered by CEASE (Denver)

None Directly

Looks like equine therapy?

Reviews, ratings and feedback for CEASE (Denver)

No ratings yet.

If you are a representative of CEASE (Denver), please register. We can then have this organization assigned to your account, so you can edit it in the future.

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