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Website: – (info)
Address: Ocala, Florida, United States
Countries served: United States
Geographic scope: Global
Phone: 866-224-2888
Facebook: BreakingOut
Twitter: @breakingoutcorp
EIN (Guidestar profile): 27-3455209
Type: Anti-trafficking
Status: Active
Faith-based: Yes
Adult focused (NSFW): No
Sex work positive: No
Female led: No
Sex worker led: No
About Breaking Out
Private Investigators
People involved with Breaking Out
Mr. James Barnes
Ms. Kimberly Stinsman
Mrs. Melissa Alling College of Central Florida
Mr. Michael Joiner ATA Martial Arts
Mr. Robert Crawford Elite Global Investigation Services
Mrs. Angelica Joiner Department of Children and Families
Jonah Nobleza
Sex work focus for Breaking Out
Sex worker demographics focus for Breaking Out
Services offered by Breaking Out
Raid and Rescue
Reviews, ratings and feedback for Breaking Out
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