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Website: – (info)
Address: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Countries served: United States
Geographic scope: Regional
Phone: 773-205-3544
Facebook: SalvationArmyPromise
Twitter: @salarmychicago
Type: Religious
Parent organization: Salvation Army World Service Office
Status: Active
Faith-based: Yes
Sex work positive: No
Female led: Yes
Sex worker led: No
About Anne’s House
Salvation Army PROMISE Program
(Partnership To Rescue Our Minors From Sexual Exploitation)
Long term trauma based residential program for young women and girls who have been impacted by sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.
Public facts about Anne’s House
Anne’s House is dually licensed by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services as a group home and child welfare agency.
People involved with Anne’s House
Organizations who support PROMISE Program
The Salvation Army
Buy Art Not People
Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation
Chicago Coalition for the Homeless
Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center
Chicago Police Department
Children’s Memorial Hospital
Christian Community Health Center
The Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Justice Division
The Circuit Court of Cook County, Child Protection Division
Communities in Schools of Chicago
Cook County Sheriff, Youth Services Department
Cook County Sheriff’s Police Department
Department of Homeland Security
Dominican University
The Dreamcatcher Foundation
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Illinois Department of Human Services
Illinois Department of Children & Family Services
Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago
Law Offices of Salvador A. Cicero
Lutheran Child & Family Services
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
State’s Attorney of Cook County
Traffick Free
UCAN – Teen Parenting Service Network (TPSN)
U.S. Department of Justice/Federal Bureau of Investigation
Victorian Rose Garden Bed & Breakfast
West Suburban Medical Center
Sex work focus for Anne’s House
Sex worker demographics focus for Anne’s House
Appropriate candidates for the program are females from the United States, without children in their custody, ages 12 to 21, who are actively being commercially sexually exploited (sex trafficked), are willing to voluntarily enter the program, and willing to abide by program rules and regulations. All program candidates must be psychiatrically stable and willing to achieve and maintain a drug and alcohol free lifestyle.
Services offered by Anne’s House
Individual and group therapy, life skills training, support with academic and vocational goals, social and recreational activities and spiritual guidance.
Reviews, ratings and feedback for Anne’s House
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