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Website: – (info)
Address: Roseville, California, United States
Countries served: United States
Geographic scope: Global
Type: Religious
Faith-based: Yes
People involved with Agape International Missions
Don Brewster
Chairman: Sosamma Samuel-Burnett, JD Chair-Public Policy Department William Jessup University.
Vice Chair: Bryce Jessup, Former President of William Jessup University
Secretary: Dr. David Browne, MD, ABP, Kaiser Permanente Pediatrician
Treasurer: Brian Winger, CPA, President of Winger and Associates
Member: Brian Van Dyk, Independent Bank Consultant
Member: John Branderhorst, LMFT, Cornerstone Psychological Center
Member: Becca C. Johnson, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist
Member: Ken Petersen, Founder/CEO Apricot Lane USA
Member: Ken Oosting, Founder/CEO Inspired Solar Technologies
Sex work focus for Agape International Missions
Sex worker demographics focus for Agape International Missions
Services offered by Agape International Missions
Reviews, ratings and feedback for Agape International Missions
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