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Website: – (info)
Address: 466 Wild Avenue, Staten Island, New York, 10314, United States
Countries served: United States
Geographic scope: Local
Geographic scope (detail):
New York
Email: [email protected]
Type: Commercial
Parent organization: BJM/Manhattan Stakes and Entertainment (BJM)
Status: Defunct
Faith-based: No
Adult focused (NSFW): Yes
Sex work positive: Yes
Female led: No
Sex worker led: No
About Superb Companions
Escort service run by Michael RizziEscort service run by Michael Rizzi
Raided and shut down by Homeland Security on 5/24/2016
People involved with Superb Companions
Michael Rizzi, retired NYPD cop, age 44 of Brooklyn, NY
Sex work focus for Superb Companions
Sex worker demographics focus for Superb Companions
Services offered by Superb Companions
Reviews, ratings and feedback for Superb Companions
If you are a representative of Superb Companions, please register. We can then have this organization assigned to your account, so you can edit it in the future.